Nueva Charla-coloquio sobre tasas judiciales

La Comisión de formación y cultura de la Delegación de Coín del Colegio en colaboración con la editorial Ley 57, organiza la celebración de una charla-coloquio en la sede colegial sobre las Tasas Judiciales.

Setting up a business in Spain? Get properly advised

«The best lawyer is not always the most expensive one» is what Carlos Comitre, CEO of Ley 57, suggests any business starter to bear in mind. Also, to get properly advised in all legal matters, although he recokns that dealing with legal matters can sometimes be daunting. That is why he advises that entrepreneurs should […]

Were you affected by the FIRE?

Lots of people were affected by the fire last summer. Maybe you were. We are extremely sorry for that and we want to help you. There are a few of the things you should know about how to recover the value of the things you lost.